3D Roam

3D Roam was a game which was due to be released by Swedish company Handic back in the early 80’s, but sadly was never to be (for reasons as yet unknown). It was to be part of a trilogy of … Continue reading
Preserving Cancelled & Unreleased Video Game History Since 1999
Total results: 337
3D Roam was a game which was due to be released by Swedish company Handic back in the early 80’s, but sadly was never to be (for reasons as yet unknown). It was to be part of a trilogy of … Continue reading
“The Devil has invaded your coastal village, and has kidnapped the village population. As the village priest, you alone must defeat the devil and rescue your flock. A main road goes through the village, but don’t expect anyone to stop … Continue reading
A relatively quick entry into the GTW64 archives for a game which was released in other countries as Eine Handvoll Dollar$ under Quelle Soft. But what of the UK edition of the game? It seems we have potentially a similar … Continue reading
1982-1983 Paul Hope Platform: Commodore VIC-20 It is surprising how emotions can run high, and the warm fuzzy memories flow when playing games from your childhood – and playing Chariot Race by Micro-Antics on the Commodore VIC-20 is no exception. … Continue reading
Only a few copies were ever sold of adidas Championship Football in France by Ocean Software. A handful of copies were known to exist, but were yet to be preserved. This changed on the 22nd March thanks to Galahad, with … Continue reading
A rather cool GTW entry this time, and luckily one which you are easily able to download and play for yourself. So no search required here, but an entry none-the-less for this interesting little shooter which we think was developed … Continue reading
Apart from the odd clip in a few of the Commodore magazines, nothing was much seen or heard about this little game. It wasn’t until Commodore Format ran a feature, Where are they now, when they mentioned Ubik (David Korn) … Continue reading
When Keith Purkiss got in touch to confirm that he was the developer of Apprentice for Rainbow Arts, he also revealed that he had been involved on a Commodore 64 conversion of Artic Computing’s Alladin’s Cave. This was a single … Continue reading
Yet another Hewson title to add to GTW64, thanks to Richard Bayliss for highlighting. This game has actually been around in the C64 archives for some time now, since it was cracked pretty much back in the day. The good … Continue reading
A nice little sideways SEU created by Ashley Routledge and Dave Saunders (Ash and Dave). Featuring some neat (if strange) parallax scrolling and graphics, this game isn’t bad at all. Although it’s no Armalyte, its still a decent game and … Continue reading
Amazon Tales was to be something a little different from two game creators – Richard Bayliss and Alf Yngve. Richard was firstly doing a side ways scrolling game with a running man as a main character. Alf on the other … Continue reading
A small entry into GTW for a title which we have managed to preserve thanks to the kind loan from collector Havar B. Hojem. This was a title spotted in Havar’s personal collection which had a home-made inlay produced. Curious … Continue reading
A Hungarian title which has been found by Csaba Virag, and which is a very simple game based on Tic Tac Toe and which was part of a MicroCAD’90 programming competition held by the University of Miskolc, Hungary. The game … Continue reading
Our next entry is a very early text adventure that was created by Ivan Venturi, who went on to produce a number of titles for Simulmondo. With thanks to Damiano Gerli for highlighting. Ivan was just 14 years old when … Continue reading
Another game, another title which was never really mentioned in the press – probably because this was a submission to a magazine, rather than a full commercial game it seems. This game was discovered on a disk in Darren Melbourne’s … Continue reading
Recently released by the Triad crew, this is a neat little clone of a classic arcade game which was completed in 1987, but never really saw the light of day until the programmer dug out his old disks. This game … Continue reading
1997 The Electric Pixel Company Platform: Super Nintendo Code – Simon Nicol Graphics – Herman Serrano Sound – Mike Clarke Ten years after Mega Apocalypse, Simon Nicol’s awesome ‘Mad Planets’ conversion was to be given the 16-bit treatment. ‘Apocalypse 2’ … Continue reading
Text adventure from Kayde who went into administration at the 26th August 1983. Did Spectrum releases, tried to do C64 and Vic 20 ones, which never seemed to surface. The game in the advert (Two adverts were submitted by Peter … Continue reading
A neat early run and jump game, which oddly reminds me of William Wobbler. This may have been released in Italy in some shape or form, but most sources suggest that it wasn’t officially released. It seems to be complete … Continue reading
A short entry for a Hungarian text adventure that has been saved by Csaba Virag, and one which doesn’t seem to be yet preserved. We’re not sure what the intention was for the game, if it was commercial or just … Continue reading
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