Preview available tagged entries (P)

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Total results: 56

Pac-Land V1

Pac-Land V1 thumbnail

1989 Grandslam Platform: Amiga Ok, before you start shouting – yes, Pac-Land was indeed released on the Commodore Amiga, and it was pretty terrible too. However, it seems that things could have been very different indeed, when contributor Hank highlighted … Continue reading

Posted in: Amiga, Reviews | Tagged: | 4 Comments

Pang V1

Pang V1 thumbnail

Although Pang actually did make it out on the C64, it wasn’t just Arc Developments who had a crack at producing the C64 conversion. Programmer of the C64 version of Speedball 2 and Turtles, Carl Muller tried to get the … Continue reading

Posted in: GTW64 archive | Tagged: | 3 Comments


Parallax thumbnail

A bit of a shock finding from Visualize Software way back late in 2004. Upon digging out some disks, Kenz stumbled across some demos by Jon Wells, which included this interesting little preview called “Parallax Preview”. This was thought to … Continue reading

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Paranoid thumbnail

A graphically nice looking Arkanoid clone, featuring background images from various games and demo’s. The game was being developed by Thomas Mittelmeyer around 1993/94 – who is famous critically for Lemmings on the C64. More polished looking than Arkanoid, but … Continue reading

Posted in: GTW64 archive | Tagged: | 2 Comments

Penguin Tower

Penguin Tower thumbnail

After the games stopped being reviewed in Commodore Format, it looked like the end. That was, until a games explosion occurred and where this little gem was all seemingly ready for release. Being coded in Finland, this Bomberman clone was … Continue reading

Posted in: GTW64 archive | Tagged: | 7 Comments