Preview available tagged entries (L)

Here you can find all entries listed under the tag of Preview available.

Total results: 29


Later thumbnail

This game was found to be fully released and can be downloaded from here. Many thanks to Ramos for this one! Case closed!

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Lee thumbnail

A terrible preview, with awful graphics and no playability. There is a simple grey blob thing at the bottom of the screen, with some naff score bits on the left, and nothing to do. It’s not known what this game … Continue reading

Posted in: GTW64 archive | Tagged: | 1 Comment


Lemmings thumbnail

1993 TCFS Platform: Commodore Plus/4 Back when Lemmings was being converted to every platform under the sun, the poor old Plus/4 was being neglected, having long been abandoned commercially. That however didn’t stop Tamás Sasvári (code) and Csaba Kémeri  (graphics) … Continue reading

Posted in: C16 + Plus/4, Reviews | Tagged: | Leave a comment


Liberation thumbnail

Liberation was a game similar to Turrican, and was in development for quite some time by Profile Entertainment. Danish based Profile Entertainment are also known under their demo name, Camelot. The game had a brief mention in the pages of … Continue reading

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Linking Leroy

Linking Leroy thumbnail

This game features the adventures of Leroy, a Lego character in a lego based world. The graphics are very cartoony, and very faithful to lego (No.. not blocky before you say!). Levels are portrayed over a horizontal push scroll landscape. … Continue reading

Posted in: GTW64 archive | Tagged: | 6 Comments