Fears of darkness was the result of a budding programmer at the age of 18 wishing to produce a "Turrican-esq" game. 64er magazine had released Manfred Trenz’s Katakis Development System which was to be the inspiration for Falk to get … Continue reading →
In 2011, Richard Bayliss confirmed that this game was actually finished and released by 64’er, so this one can be closed! http://www.gamebase64.com/game.php?id=2708&d=18&h=0 Case closed!
This is a title I first saw and my jaw dropped when I saw how great it looked. This was back in about 1993 and the magazine was Commodore Force, and they used to have a PD section which took … Continue reading →
A very quick entry for a title that was being developed by Hein Holt in 2006. Fight Run is a cool early single screen fighter game, with a number of options available to play. There is a limited amount of … Continue reading →
Seems to be a good constant stream at the moment of unreleased C64 games surfacing, and going well into July 2020 – Simon Quernhorst got in touch with GTW64 to let us know that this early platformer had been recovered. … Continue reading →
Have a guess what this game is about. As no doubt you will have guessed (and no, there isn’t a prize!) it is another match the pairs game – which was a pretty popular thing on the C64 back in … Continue reading →
Another unfinished puzzler with some graphics ripped from Hammerfist. I’m not quite sure what is going on here, but as the title seems to suggest, its possibly where you have to find parts of the picture and reconstruct it. Most … Continue reading →
If it’s not puzzlers, its sideway SEU’s… this time another one from 1989. Fine Tin is currently not so fine yet, with little to do in this early preview. Apart from some scrolling brown turd like mountains and a few … Continue reading →
Following on from Lost Robot 2 is another preview of a game which seems to have not quite made it. Markt & Technik are believed to have been the people who would have published the game, as the name is … Continue reading →
A surprise entry now for GTW64, which was to be an obscure conversion of an obscure Amiga/ST game called Fireblaster, which seemingly was released in 1986 and then re-released by Prism Software around 1989. Jason Kelk was the developer of … Continue reading →
Wow, the list of unreleased Codemasters titles for the Commodore 64 continues to grow, and grow it does with the inclusion now of Firehawk. This time a game again by Finlay Munro which was mentioned recently in a conversation. He … Continue reading →
Another game from Twilight duo, Harold Klink and Martijn Althuizen. This time we have a set of very promising space SEU demos which were a new development by Twilight which sadly were cancelled early on. These were given a game … Continue reading →
A quite full preview of another puzzle game which I can’t quite make head or tail about. The game is quite simplistic, with its simplistic graphics and layout, but as for the gameplay, I cannot comment, so can someone else? … Continue reading →
In the early 90’s, the 16-bits were greeted by a new style of adventure game with a character not far off from that of Impossible Mission. Another World and Flashback by Delphine were two of the biggest breakthrough’s of their … Continue reading →
Found within the Gamebase archives recently, this is an early preview from 1992 of yet another abandoned game, and one which seems to be a potentially interesting twist on breakout/pong. Flex isn’t anything to write home about, but has a … Continue reading →
Ok, i’m at the risk of stretching things a bit too much – but I thought it would be a nice inclusion into the archive to show a slightly different preview of Flimbo’s Quest. Ah well, sod it! :) This … Continue reading →
One of the big surprises of working through Cory Kin’s disks, was the sheer amount of bits and bobs found that were written by Carl Coffey – who was the man behind Wheelies and the aborted Soldier of Fortune. Flok … Continue reading →
1992 Bullfrog Platforms: Atari ST, Commodore Amiga and PC Ah ‘Flood’… The memories had with this awesome Amiga game back in the day. With its groundbreaking speech effects throughout, Flood proved to be a big hit on the ST/Amiga back … Continue reading →
A very quick entry for a game that was submitted by Roy Widding for the GTW archives. This is a cool unfinished game that is based on Flyboy arcade machine from 1982 by Kaneko. The aim is simply to kick … Continue reading →
Not likely to have been anything official, someone took it on themselves to try and do a conversion of the PC football simulator of the same name and seemed to have a good crack of it. There seems to be … Continue reading →
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