After seeing the awesome Xenon 2 on the Amiga/ST, Mike Dailly wondered to himself whether he could get a similiar parallax effect, with instead of a looped pattern as a parallax layer…. have a separate bitmap as the parallaxed layer. … Continue reading →
A short entry for a V1 edition of a released game that many of us enjoyed growing up. Tucked away on a work disk of Mat Sneap, was this early build of Garfield that shows some of the game with … Continue reading →
Ok ok, this may not be a proper C64 game planned for big time release by a big C64 company, but it must be taken seriously at least until the creators clear up its intentions about this game. The game … Continue reading →
Gem Quest was a game from Hex (aka Cory) of Pixel Developments – A demo group from UK’s very own Compunet. Some of their demos got featured in ZZap!64 magazine (e.g. Hunter Killer). Unfortunately, due to further studies, the game … Continue reading →
More simple space shooting now with Genocide – a sideways scrolling blaster over a cool starfield effect. It’s a bit like Roy Fielding’s Frantic, but with not much going on at this stage. There are some attack waves, but no … Continue reading →
Not entirely sure what Geotrope was to be just yet, but the demo that was released suggests a Japanese Anime themed game. And an impressive little demo too. Nothing of the game was included though, but some clues were given … Continue reading →
A puzzler game with our next entry which existed first as a splash screen and some graphics. The game involves you controlling a virus and having to kill a mainframe using some sort of "VOS" (Virus Operating System) from the … Continue reading →
What is it with previews which seem to have spent all the time and effort on graphics and titles, but no actual game to play with it too? Get Ready is another such title where it seems a lot of … Continue reading →
Thanks to Jazzcat for the heads up about this game, which was shown recently on the developer’s website. The game was a RPG title, with a large world with 16 different countries, 32 dungeons, four different breeds, elaborate, personal character … Continue reading →
A game promoted heavily in Denmark, a blatant Rampage clone that sadly would never get a proper release. Is it because Activision stepped in and stopped them, or did Kele Line go under before they could get the game out? … Continue reading →
Before the classic times of Slicks and then Micro Machines, came games like Go Kart!, with some simple tracks and playability. Go Kart is quite primitive when compared with Slicks, and is certainly not as slick as Slicks. Unfortunatly the … Continue reading →
Many moons ago as the C64 was resurging through fanzines, Godflesh was announced to the world as a new beat-em-up in production by First Blood Entertainment in 1996. Previously doing a few other games, this sounded particularly exciting. Sadly nothing … Continue reading →
A hugely popular game from the Bitmap Bros on the Amiga and other 16-bit systems done way back in around 1991. Famous not only for the game itself, but for the music score for the game. In the year 2000, … Continue reading →
A popular game on the Amiga in its early days, the C64 saw a conversion preview released of the game. I don’t know much about the game itself, apart from its recievement on the Amiga, and it mean’t to be … Continue reading →
Ah… I remember going up to London one day and my dad buying me a copy of Your Commodore on the train journey up to keep me quiet. It happened to be the last ever issue as it happened, and … Continue reading →
Fans of games such as Lode Runner may have been familiar with a particular title released by Magic Disk, called "Golden Pyramids" – created by Harold Klink and Martijn Althuizen back in 1990/91. This was their first proper commercial release … Continue reading →
I always regret not growing up when the likes of "Ghosts and Goblins" came out on the C64, and being able to go out and buy the game as soon as it was launched… I could have possibly gone out … Continue reading →
A short entry for a title that we know little about at this stage, apart from the developer that was behind it (who don’t seem to have done anything else on the Commodore 64), the musician and the basic premise … Continue reading →
Although eventually released by Audiogenic around 1992, this particular title wasn’t the same game which was first previewed in Zzap Issue #77. If you check the graphics, you’ll see there is a noticeable difference to the game which was released. … Continue reading →
Gravity is a neat looking two player preview, where you must take the control of two ships who have to blast each other to pieces on a still screen. The winner is the player who does not lose all their … Continue reading →
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