Gravity X

A mixture of Puzznic and Boulderdash in our next puzzle game within the depths of GTW. The plot is a little thin on this nice looking puzzler, with no instructions to explain exactly what to do. This looks a fairly … Continue reading
Preserving Cancelled & Unreleased Video Game History Since 1999
Total results: 879
A mixture of Puzznic and Boulderdash in our next puzzle game within the depths of GTW. The plot is a little thin on this nice looking puzzler, with no instructions to explain exactly what to do. This looks a fairly … Continue reading
1995 Creative Edge Platforms: Commodore Amiga, Atari Jaguar, Atari Jaguar 2 and Atari Lynx A long running Atari Jaguar mystery for some years now, and a game starting out on a completely different platform. Originally Green Thang was shortlisted to … Continue reading
An early preview from the days when the C64 was riding high commercially. Griffin could easily be thought of as a Rastan clone of sorts, and I say that as the main character is ripped from Rastan. However it isn’t. … Continue reading
I remember first seeing Grubz about 10 years ago and being completely blown away. At last here was a fully fledged Worms clone on the C64 and looking every bit as good as the Amiga original. Sadly 20 years on … Continue reading
GTW Highlight No.14: July saw us covering the lost PC prototype of The Ravaging by Pukka Games from 1999-2000, where you control an angel from hell in a 3rd person action-adventure. Check out the demo and video here:
Some of you may remember a little game from the covermount of Commodore Zone some years back, called Quota, a neat little game. Created by the talented Chris Young around 1989, Chris had previously been working on a game before … Continue reading
A SEU that was being developed back around 1991 time and for years has been wrongly attributed to being a game due for release by Electric Boys Entertainment Software around 1995 time. It is likely that EBES picked up the … Continue reading
1984 Parker Brothers Platform: Commodore 64 Not quite a GTW64 entry, but an earlier build of the released Gyruss (a brilliant Konami arcade conversion) for the C64 – recovered thanks to preservationist Ken Van Mersbergen. This prototype dated 2nd May … Continue reading
A relatively unknown game which was being developed by Cyberdyne Systems in their early days as a simple game to make money while they produced larger titles. Half Life shares it’s name with the award winning 3rd person shooter of … Continue reading
Thanks to Witold Bryndza for the heads up for our next entry, which was to be a stylish Hangman game produced for Eagleware International in 1995 by Faith Design The game was to feature some very polished intros and graphics … Continue reading
Our next title in the archives sounds like it should be some kind of jet fighter game, but in fact Harrier Strike was a space shooter which was being written by Duncan Kershaw shortly after Steel Eagle. Originally it was … Continue reading
A strange little preview by Thomas Miegel, involving somekind of space craft doing duties over various landscapes. HAWK is based on INTENSITY by Andrew Braybrook – the aim is to rescue people. You control one vehicle, press fire to land … Continue reading
Hawkeye 2 was something that original coder Mario van Zeist wanted to realise, with better graphics, sound and more added twists to the gameplay. It was going to be released under the Thalamus label, but was never completed due to … Continue reading
Heartlight 64 is a nice early single screen Boulderdash clone created by the author of Assembloids which sadly seems to have been abandoned. Featuring some nice effective graphics, it still feels a little raw – but its perfectly playable and … Continue reading
Erm… Naff is the first word for this game, if you can call it a game. I’m not sure if this was done for the heck of a few points to some cracking crew, or if this was ever intended … Continue reading
You’ve gotta give any coder credit for producing games on the C64 at such a late stage after its commercial death. Even the most boring to the most exciting deserve credit, this game included. Unfortunately, it’s not a game which … Continue reading
Heng was to be a sort of Civilization-based game on the C64, which was developed from around 2009 time. The idea was for the game to be a real-time strategy with 2 players (or player vs AI), where you have … Continue reading
A wonderful little preview, involving a well-drawn character called ‘Henry’. It is a little frustrating to play this ‘Fred’s back’ style game, with some hard jumps and obstacles to avoid, but it looks quite polished with some neat graphics and … Continue reading
After some impressive introduction screens, you are greeted with a preview which doesn’t seem to look like very much at all, until you get playing. The preview looks a bit out dated, but plays fairly well in typical old-school fashion. … Continue reading
High Memory is another puzzler which was being developed in the height of the puzzle game flood of the early 90’s (Or at least it seemed like just that to me at the time! :) ) The game is basically … Continue reading
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