A mysterious game created by Simon Birrell which was originally penned as a game for the BBC Micro. However, Virgin Games decided that they also wanted this title completed on the C64. The BBC game can be seen here btw… … Continue reading →
Yet another game from the creators of Lemmings on the C64, Alter Developments, and this time a title which was to be their icing on the cake. A mixture of all the best elements of all the best C64 games … Continue reading →
Horror Drive is a really neat and promising 2 player split screen racer, with a top down viewpoint. Sort of like Rally Speedway, but with far smoother scrolling. The backgrounds are simple at this stage, but maybe more scenery was … Continue reading →
Originally this preview was believed to be a game that never quite made it, but thanks to Professor Chaos we learn that it did indeed get a release on disk magazine Game On, released in Germany by CP Verlag. The … Continue reading →
Quite an errie little preview this one, feeling in someways similar to Mastertronic’s ‘Scumball’. A nice mixture of hi-res graphics and multi-colour, brighten up this early preview, where you control a space craft which must navigate its way through the … Continue reading →
HumbleBug was being created by non other than Jon Wells around the time when Bee52 came out, and so he decided to scrap it just 2-3 weeks into the game, because it was way too similar. Jon tells me that … Continue reading →
We are very blessed these days to see some great new C64 titles being produced on a regular basis. Sadly though there are still tragedies where some of these new titles are canned for various reasons. Humpy64 is one of … Continue reading →
Our next entry into the archives is a recent one, which was a sideways scrolling SEUCK title that was being worked on by JinxTengu in 2008. According to Richard Bayliss, the game was aimed to be split into different parts, … Continue reading →
Hydrogenese was yet another game to come from the excellent X-Ample, who produced many stunning games. ASM magazine issue 7/89 had a short news feature that stated that Mario van Zeist and X-ample were hired to make games for Digital … Continue reading →
Hyper Galactic Warrior is a title that has been around for some time, possibly first surfacing on Compunet as a preview. The game is a Uridium clone, of which there were plenty at the time. This suggests the game is … Continue reading →
An interesting entry which is worth reporting on. Ice Tea was a great little Ice hockey game released back in the late 90’s and was actually released! So why do we have a GTW entry on it?… Well, thanks to … Continue reading →
Nice polished look… Naff game… After all the nice looking visuals, you are greeted with a poor 2 player game to do with words. Not interesting, and a waste of nice visuals. Probably intended as a freebie for a magazine … Continue reading →
A nice little Quix/Volfield clone, with some nice visuals and addictive gameplay, as with the original. It has recently been found that the game was infact completed and released on 64’er, a German disk magazine. Eventually this game will be … Continue reading →
Over the last year or so, I’ve been asked whether Immensity should be added to the GTW archives, as this very promising title from 2014 seems to have sadly gone completely dead. We hope however that we are wrong, and … Continue reading →
A severe lack of goings on here i’m afraid, with this simplistic shooter. The game features some Haydn Dalton sprites ripped because the main ship looks so out of place compared with the other classy sprites. Infact, the game borrows … Continue reading →
An almost never-ending tech demo it seems when describing our next entry. Impulse is another sideways scrolling shooter, has titles in place and a main ship that you can shoot enemies with. However, the attackwaves are endless, as is the … Continue reading →
In-Zane is a neat little preview, which is in a very early stage, but already shows some promise. It is a kind of Sonic/Mario game, scrolling in one direction where you control a robotic guy on tracks. You can jump … Continue reading →
A strangely named game which was to be a graphical text adventure. The game was actually meant for Protovision, but Protovision were not interested, so the game was cancelled. Richard Bayliss was to pick up the game and do something, … Continue reading →
A short entry for a 3DCK based game which may or may not have been fully finished, but had two versions released around 1996 time by Motiv 8. Both versions seem to have a lot of bugs in them, but … Continue reading →
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