
The first in a series of three remarkable games, but most remarkable for the fact that only the 3rd game in the series has been finished and released at a crap game competition in recent years. Ake starts his adventure … Continue reading
Preserving Cancelled & Unreleased Video Game History Since 1999
Total results: 879
The first in a series of three remarkable games, but most remarkable for the fact that only the 3rd game in the series has been finished and released at a crap game competition in recent years. Ake starts his adventure … Continue reading
A little game which is a sequel to another game which never got finished. You may know the 3rd entry, which was actually finished and released in the Crap Game Compo in recent years called "Ake Goes Medievil". Ake goes … Continue reading
A strange, but cute looking game with a well drawn fish as the main character. Similar to the underwater levels of Donkey Kong Country on the SNES, if you want to compare to other games. There is little in the … Continue reading
A short entry for a title which was reportedly for Mastertronic back in 1988, but for reasons currently unknown never quite made it. The game was being developed by Reptilia Design, with code by Andy Syco (of Werewolves in London … Continue reading
Another game with not much information. A promising game however, featuring elements of an old favourite from the past, Combat from the Atari 2600. This two player game features two tanks for which you can choose the weapons to arm … Continue reading
Another title from the Twilight guys, Harold Klink and Martijn Althuizen. Alfred J Kwak is a promising title, which although in a very early development stage, looks like a rather good Mario/Fred’s Back clone with a duck as the main … Continue reading
Not much to say about this game, which intrigues the archives of GTW. Apart from the fact that Virtual Factor were behind this space SEU, there is nothing much else that can be said. A simple single screen shooter, with … Continue reading
Well, this is another title which has been out there for some time, but as we start going into the previews section in Gamebase, we are now finally starting to pick up some of these early and lost titles. Allaxmax … Continue reading
Altarius is a promising sideways scrolling SEU, which has a 2 player mode and a wide range of attack waves thrown at you. No backgrounds apart from a star field at this stage though. You have unlimited lives, and can … Continue reading
An interesting creation by Altered Abilities, bringings in a ship similiar to the mothership in Firebird’s "IO". The preview which made it out is packed with a sneak peak of the title screen and hi-score tablentures, which are quite good, … Continue reading
I’m unsure why this isn’t in GTW already, but its on our wanted list! :) …. This is a two player duel based game which was being created by Seppo Aikas back in 2003. A preview has been out in … Continue reading
A little puzzle game with some nice title screens and name entry screens. The game is essentially a Connect 4 style game, but more Connect 5!….. Simple, but one which could have provided some fun if a computer player was … Continue reading
Amok is the beginnings of what could have been a rather nice looking Space SEU. Quite simply we have a tech-demo preview of Amok, showing off graphics and some music. The game is playable, but only to the point of … Continue reading
Angel of Hell II is a preview of a game by 576 KByte which was produced back in 1996. Sadly it never got completed. It was the sequel to this game. The preview spans a very impressive 3 disk sides, … Continue reading
I really admire Black Turk’s ambition to try and squeeze what many would feel are impossible games for the C64. He also attempted Sonic The Hedgehog and Snow Bros conversions which were never going to work, but it was fun … Continue reading
Another Kingdom is a nice single character based RPG title that was being developed back in 2010. Although seeming to come on well and shaping up nicely, it seems to have been abandoned with no further work completed on the … Continue reading
199? Unknown Platform: Atari 400/800/XE Our next entry in the archives is for the Atari 8-bit home computer platform, and is the early start of a fairly impressive conversion of Delphine’s Another World – though not by Delphine! It is … Continue reading
After the discovery of various bits and pieces which were created by Apex and that never saw the light of day, there remained a few demos which didn’t really tie into any particular GTW titles. So as the Rowland Brothers … Continue reading
A great looking game in similar style to the first part of Dynamic’s "Game Over", with some awesome graphics in similar style to those common with X-Ample games of the early 90’s. This game is not based on any moon … Continue reading
A well received game on the Amiga, “Apprentice” was to be another great release from Rainbow Arts in 1990. The game made its way into magazines, via double sided adverts, but as usual the game never surfaced on the C64. … Continue reading
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