Motorman is an impressive clone of Excitebike from the NES, and looks really good at this early stage. The bikes animate very well, and you can do jumps and avoid various obstacles against a few other computer players. It’s even … Continue reading →
You may remember another entry called Beauty and The Beast, which was an unofficial licence of the Disney film, and rather oddly done within the Last Ninja engine. Well, not long after finishing with Beauty and The Beast, the same … Continue reading →
Yet another puzzler to add to the archives, this time something a little different where you must replicate the pattern on the right most box. It’s pretty simple stuff, with some snazzy presentation at the bottom – it isn’t anything … Continue reading →
Move Out is another tile based puzzler, though I couldn’t quite work out what you were meant to do. Anyone have any ideas? Well, contributor Ken Knight found the following via the comments: “The only thing I figured out as … Continue reading →
Our next title is a conversion of an obscure 1984 Spectrum game by John Prince called Mr Wong’s Loopy Laundry. Not an official conversion, and one done some 24 years later by Peter Vass. The game seems pretty complete, but … Continue reading →
A short and interesting little preview, where you control a man within a maze who just collects a bunch of objects to open a door. That is pretty much it at this stage, and is essentially a sprite/collision test rather … Continue reading →
Mutant Zone was to be the sequel to Spore and published by Mastertronic back in 1989. The sequel was a full 2/3 screen scrolling game which had a far right display panel (Top to bottom) consisting of multiplexed sprites. It … Continue reading →
A stunning little game, featuring some great graphics and wonderful spot effects and animations. This game was intended to be sold via mail order companies on the C64 for a price of around £8.99, which seems like a reasonable price … Continue reading →
This preview certainly is a mystery, and we guess this was a working title for a game cracked by Russ Michaels from his Ironfist days. This is a simple multi-directional scroller where you control a space ship within a maze. … Continue reading →
A fantastic Super Zelda clone written for the C64 by Crossbow/Crest and was a secret part to the demo Krestage 3 – More Weird Stuff. This awesome clone has to be seen to be believed. Unfortunately it seems we will … Continue reading →
Our next title is the beginnings of what seems to be a sideway scrolling shooter produced by Cory Kin. The title on the disk for the source file was called Navadon. There isn’t a huge amount to see just yet, … Continue reading →
Necromancer 2 is a strange game which is a clone of Ultimate’s classic 3D games, such as Knightlore and Alien 8. What is mostly strange about this game, is that it also runs on a Vic 20 too.. this got … Continue reading →
Mentioned as a future title from Linel in Your Commodore issue 73, Necronom was a R-Type clone which saw eventual release on the Commodore Amiga back in 1991 by Linel and later on Amiga Fun magazine around 1992/93. The game got … Continue reading →
The next entry in the archives is thanks to Hedning, who found some graphics whilst preserving some disks from a German adventure game by the scener “Schweinepocke”. It seems that only graphics have been done or at least have survived … Continue reading →
This is a pretty neat looking game, where you control a prisoner who is trying to break out of prison. Here you must run along in a similar style to Rapid Fire and try and kill the guards who are … Continue reading →
A platform game, where you are given the chance of actually creating you own levels. Good, but unfortunately the game itself lacks a lot of thing to make it that playable. Apart from some simple graphics, a simple main character … Continue reading →
Nether is a game that I can remember from the days of Commodore Scene, being touted as a Doom clone. Eventually when I saw a preview, there wasn’t much to see and I then completely forgot about it. The game’s … Continue reading →
I’m surprised that we hadn’t had an entry for this title a lot sooner, but there you go! Many may not know that New Zealand Story was originally being developed out of house by Choice Software, a Northern Ireland based … Continue reading →
Thanks to screenshots from various magazines for an Amiga version of Night Hunter, it can be confirmed that this is in fact Night Hunter by Ubisoft. In the game, you control a nice Hi-res overlaid Dracula who must roam around … Continue reading →
Our next title is a simple minesweeper style game which was being done in the mid-late 90’s for an unknown source. It’s a nice enough implementation, but nothing too special which hasn’t been seen before. The likelihood is that the … Continue reading →
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