Preview available tagged entries (S)

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Total results: 96

Space Hop

Space Hop thumbnail

You all remember Reflective Designs and the various games produced and coded by Duncan Kershaw for Players, Zeppelin and Codemasters? Well, we all have to start out somewhere – and Duncan first got into coding on the C64 by programming … Continue reading

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Sphere thumbnail

Sphere is a sideways scrolling shooter, with collidable mountainous objects. Similar to Sanxion a little, with the ability to accellerate the scrolling. The game was started in 1987 by Ian and Michael Jones, in the hope of quickly pushing the … Continue reading

Posted in: GTW64 archive | Tagged: | 3 Comments


Spix thumbnail

Quite early, and a poor mismatch of graphics and sound mixed into this preview. The game feels like a random set of graphics and sprites bolted together to make a quick game. There doesn’t seem to be much about it, … Continue reading

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Spooky thumbnail

In the days of playing Dizzy and first collecting Commodore Format from issue 11, the next issue (12) featured a mammoth cover tape with loads of demo goodies. This and issue 11 are fondly remembered as the time the webmaster … Continue reading

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Spooky thumbnail

Our next GTW title can only be described as stunning. Though it is with sadness that we are placing it into the archives on the request of the author Johan Forslöf. We have spoken to Johan over the past few … Continue reading

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