“Behold, the fifth generation of home computer entertainment Get the Sigue Sigue Sputnik computer game from your favourite software house now…” – was the advert blurted out after one of Sigue Sigue Sputnik’s tracks on their recent album back in … Continue reading →
A very interesting title which has been sitting in the digital archives for some time. Sir Lancelot is a scrolling platform and ladders title, sort of like an ancient Green Beret style game. It only has the one level, no … Continue reading →
Sky-Jack is an odd platformer game, where at this early stage the player actually glides around, rather than jumps. I guess the preview was just to test some of the map and sprite mechanics, but little else at this stage. … Continue reading →
Nothing to see here, more on! Skylight is nothing really more at this stage a demo part – just with a logo and a sprite that moves around. It isn’t really a game! Maybe it was just a demo? For … Continue reading →
"Slammer" is a nice update to the classic Pong theme, with two jetpacked characters and two bats which have to defend a goal and get the ball in the back of the opponents goal. Featuring some updated graphics, nice sprites … Continue reading →
Another great looking game from one of the C64’s last commercial saviour’s, Jon Wells. You simply had to replicate the picture on the left hand side by sliding the pieces together. The same game essentially as ‘Puzzle Shuffle’. This puzzler … Continue reading →
A more recent game which never surfaced in the end, created in 2000, Slither is a simple shooter which promised a lot of new features in the finished game. Sadly it was never to be, and so the game remained … Continue reading →
A rather large version of the classic Snake game, spread over a large map. You control a snake which has to avoid contact with all walls and other snakes as long as possible. Graphically the game is very poor, featuring … Continue reading →
CP Verlag were almost always known to release high quality games, though with this game, its hard to believe that. "Sniper" is a poor Op Wolf perspective game, where you have to snipe naff looking sprites behind poor backdrops. I … Continue reading →
Snoopy 2 is an unofficial sequel to the 1984 RadarSoft game, where you must jump over a series of objects to get to the next level. The sequel just presents more of the same with snazzier graphics overall. The preview … Continue reading →
This is a pretty interesting unofficial conversion of Snow Bros which surfaced in 2012 from a coder called Black Turk. It’s very rough around the edges, but it isn’t too bad – and looks like a Snow Bros game, though … Continue reading →
GTW presents a first ever look at another GTW which has been gathering dust for some years now. This time a game by Markus Schneider, who worked at Bones Park and is famous also for his incredible music (Including my … Continue reading →
I hardly need to describe the game I guess, as the title pretty much sums up the topic of this box shifting game. An unofficial conversion, as an official conversion had already been released – this seems to be some … Continue reading →
Soldier Of Light was not a particularly memorable conversion of the arcade game from ACE software back in the mid to late 80’s. However, the weak result was found to be possibly down to this very version which sits in … Continue reading →
Black Turk strikes again with quite possibly the most crazy of his creations. Deciding to have a go at seeing what Sonic could be like on the C64, but without the expertise to pull off the scrolling, we got this. … Continue reading →
As we were looking into The Mermaid and the Crown, we chanced across a series of unreleased titles from Mountain Valley Software that was ran by Brian J Betts during the early-mid 1980s. This was one of five titles in … Continue reading →
Source Of Light is a promising Uridium clone demo by Christoph Demper, who was only around 14yrs old at the time when he developed this game. Christoph had this to say about his game…"This was the first try and machine … Continue reading →
A rather interesting entry for an unofficial conversion of Space Ace for the C64. Not the same as the planned version being done by Empire Software in 1990-91, but a version way back in 1987/88 by Gregg Kustudic and his … Continue reading →
A game flagged as being intended for Firebird, but very unlikely that it was intended for release by them – but was possibly sent to them by Michael Holm for approval, and subsequently rejected. Well, Michael confirms that he doesn’t … Continue reading →
A short entry for a recent discovery by Genesis Project in the shape of a sequel to a very early C64 game called Space Action. The game was released in Sweden by Handic Software and was fairly well recieved. The … Continue reading →
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