You all remember Reflective Designs and the various games produced and coded by Duncan Kershaw for Players, Zeppelin and Codemasters? Well, we all have to start out somewhere – and Duncan first got into coding on the C64 by programming … Continue reading →
As you may have guessed, Space Invadaz was to be a Space Invader clone, but modernized with a fresh new look. It isn’t known what the game was intended for and for whom, but the development disks recovered by Triad … Continue reading →
Not a huge amount to see here with Space Killer, with what seems to be a sort of multi-directional scroller (in Sinistar style), but with glitches everywhere and nothing to really do. This may have been to get some cheap … Continue reading →
Controlling your little Pitfall Harry style character, in this early preview you can go between a series of simple PETSCII rooms and shoot a little laser gun. That is pretty much it for this simple preview, and we wonder how … Continue reading →
A strange release this one, where there are two releases of the title – another is named as Game 2, which just seems to be a corrupted version of this game. There isn’t much to it, apart from controlling your … Continue reading →
Space Tracker was mentioned very early on Issue 9 of Zine 64, defined as follows: "In this Elite style game – you must interact with other characters, fight and deal with them to be successful… Could be very promising!" As … Continue reading →
Apparently this game was actually stolen from German company "E.P.S" by Coco Industries, who cracked this game. A little bit sad, as the preview doesn’t seem to tell a lot about the game, apart from its a Star Wars based … Continue reading →
Spectral Sneer is a neat early preview, where you can control either a Wizard or a Warrior in a sideways scrolling platformer, where you can go underground or above ground, fighting with various enemies. It’s fairly dinky, but pretty neat … Continue reading →
A very very early preview where you currently just scroll upwards on a never-ending road with nothing to really do or anywhere to go. It seems just like a basic test routine to start off with, which never got much … Continue reading →
Speed Trap was a game being written by a guy called Alan Jesse, who also wrote a puzzle game called Quantum (released on Commodore Zone magazine) and also worked on a Trailblazer game that never saw the light of day … Continue reading →
The early 90’s were a good time for gamers like myself growing up with the C64. I just about caught the tail end of the C64’s game market in the UK as a 9 yr old and was privileged to … Continue reading →
Sphere is a sideways scrolling shooter, with collidable mountainous objects. Similar to Sanxion a little, with the ability to accellerate the scrolling. The game was started in 1987 by Ian and Michael Jones, in the hope of quickly pushing the … Continue reading →
This is a game originally intended for release by Starlight, who I think did Rolling Ronny, amoungst other games. Sadly Starlight went under, but thanks to Marco, it has been confirmed that the game was later released by CP Verlag … Continue reading →
Quite early, and a poor mismatch of graphics and sound mixed into this preview. The game feels like a random set of graphics and sprites bolted together to make a quick game. There doesn’t seem to be much about it, … Continue reading →
In the days of playing Dizzy and first collecting Commodore Format from issue 11, the next issue (12) featured a mammoth cover tape with loads of demo goodies. This and issue 11 are fondly remembered as the time the webmaster … Continue reading →
Our next GTW title can only be described as stunning. Though it is with sadness that we are placing it into the archives on the request of the author Johan Forslöf. We have spoken to Johan over the past few … Continue reading →
Rather strange named game, short for Super Powered Urban Device, our next entry is a rather strange SEU where you control a helicopter seemingly in space. It’s very similiar in some ways to the bizzare Airwolf 2 game (Which was … Continue reading →
Sput is part of a glut of simple previews that got released, where to get a sprite and a bunch of sprites being thrown all over the place. This title seems to be the beginnings of a space shooter, with … Continue reading →
With thanks to contributor Deniz Turkmen, who commented on Spy vs Spy 4 that he had once seen an earlier version of Spy vs Spy 3 from a BBS. Sure enough, within Gamebase64 was an early preview which was seemingly … Continue reading →
Side scrolling shooters are a popular genre on the C64, and Squad Force Five is adding to the proof of that. A game that was in development around 2011. The HUD, sprites and attack waves all look pretty good – … Continue reading →
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