
There are two games with this odd name, and this one in particular is a completely different more established game which has more going on. There are title pages and even a loading screen for this one Here you control … Continue reading
Preserving Cancelled & Unreleased Video Game History Since 1999
Total results: 879
There are two games with this odd name, and this one in particular is a completely different more established game which has more going on. There are title pages and even a loading screen for this one Here you control … Continue reading
There are two games with this odd name, and this one in particular is an earlier title which has you controlling a space ship that flies across a simple looking terrain. There isn’t much else at this stage with the … Continue reading
Squid is a cute little single screen preview which has some nice hi-res overlaid sprites which move around and which you must avoid. The game isn’t fully playable and just allows you to jump around the map and interact with … Continue reading
Squirm 2 is the unofficial sequel to the ancient Mastertronic game released around 1984, being developed around 2015 by Mark Ross. The game is slightly more advance compared to the original title, with a bit of a feel of Spore … Continue reading
Squost is a well polished and decent looking tile sliding puzzler, where you have a picture that is jumbled up and have to slide the tiles back to make the proper picture. Although it has been done to death and … Continue reading
A promising sideways SEU, featuring some fair graphics and attackwaves. Originally I heard of Parade’s game from the pages of Commodore Scene magazine, but as time passed, so did any sight of this game. The game isn’t that bad, but … Continue reading
A quick entry, as there isn’t really that much to say about our next title. It’s called Star Fighter – there’s a start, and its meant to be a sideways scrolling shooter by the looks of it – but its … Continue reading
An early preview of another space shooter comes in the form of "Starhope" by Art Design. Featuring all the titles and interluding screens, the game itself is at quite an early stage with a basic attackwave and main ship to … Continue reading
Star Scaper is a promising preview, where you control a ship which can move left and right in Uridium style, but from a side-on based view point. It seems you have to collect a series of items and progress through … Continue reading
Not seemingly based on the famous film series at all, this is a very simple multi-directional scrolling shooter that was being developed back in 1996. It does have a slight feel of “Empire Strikes Back” from the VCS about it, … Continue reading
A game which was to be a mixture between "Elite", "Ultima", "Pirates" and "Space Rogue". When Mr Lee lost a bit his inspiration he also started coding on a game, what he described as a ‘little game’. This was "Colonial … Continue reading
Yet another game in the games explosion, this time a 90’s Space Invaders clone. Being created by some talented German coders, this game promised huge gurdians, new look sprites and tons of power-ups. Very much similar to ‘Mega Starforce’ in … Continue reading
A short entry thanks to Csaba Virag, who has found yet another early build of another piece of C64 software. This time for Stareggs, before it seems it was sold to Mirrorsoft or Happy Software for publication. There might be … Continue reading
1983 Archer Maclean Platform: Atari 400/800 If you haven’t already, before reading this page – we recommend checking out our page on Defender first. This is the title that would evolve from that development, in which was Archer’s second attempt … Continue reading
The sequel to one of the biggest 16-bit vector games was started on the C64 way back in 1989, trying to improve on the original version. Way back in August 1988, the 16-bit versions were reviewed. In the interview with … Continue reading
In 1987 Bob Stevenson and Doug Hare of Kinetic Designs were working on a mysterious project. According to rumours, there are a number of games that they never got finished. "Starline" was the working name for a horizontal shoot’em-up that … Continue reading
1988 Canvas Software / U.S Gold Platforms: Atari ST and Commodore 64 As part of the launch and release of The Games That Weren’t book, we are adding additional assets and content that didn’t make it to print as bonus … Continue reading
Paul Baker is not necessarily a name you may recognize straight away, but he was the coder of Ghostbusters 2, Jet Boys and Road Warrior – but also the Empire Strikes Back game which we’ve had in the GTW archives … Continue reading
We’re not sure exactly what you’re meant to do in Stone, so if anyone knows – please let us know. We thought it was some kind of pairs game, but couldn’t get anything to happen. It might be that the … Continue reading
Stoned isn’t a game about drugs, but a puzzler which seems to be based on Columns. It’s again from that era when puzzlers were everywhere, but this one in particular was looking pretty polished. It isn’t 100% playable at this … Continue reading
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