The Crystal Search was a game written by Iain Black of fame. It was recently brought to our attention by Hedning after a Genesis Project crack was made. In terms of the game, Iain describes it as follows: "My … Continue reading →
As we were looking into The Mermaid and the Crown, we chanced across a series of unreleased titles from Mountain Valley Software that was ran by Brian J Betts during the early-mid 1980s. This was one of five titles in … Continue reading →
1983/84 Fox Video Games Platforms: Atari 2600 and ColecoVision Our next entry is nothing to do with the Elite licence that came later on the Commodore 64, though that too had an unreleased version of some kind that you can … Continue reading →
Another more recent C64 title which may have been abandoned after an initial preview release. The Fallen is quite a neat defence game where you control an archer who must pick off an advancing army of knights. It is simple, … Continue reading →
Already creating the cult classic Wizball, Sensible Software tried to take their success even further with a new game, and with a new perspective altogether. Sensible Software decided to take a trip into the world of 3D games with an … Continue reading →
The Horsekiller is a game by Robert Olessak, which is an unfinished sequel to his game called The Galleon. Sadly, only an intro was developed for the game – but an impressive intro it is! Maybe the programmer had ran … Continue reading →
2005 Acclaim Studios Cheltenham Platforms: Sony PlayStation 2, Microsoft Xbox Our next entry into the archive is one where very little is known, but today that is about to change at Games That Weren’t with The Last Job. Not only … Continue reading →
1984 Atari Platform: Arcade As part of the launch and release of The Games That Weren’t book, we are gradually adding assets and content that didn’t make it to print as bonus content to share with you. Check out our … Continue reading →
A quick entry for a title that is nothing more than just a few intro screens and some ripped music from Myth. The Last War Brains doesn’t give too much away about the type of game it was to be … Continue reading →
First of all, this isn’t an official conversion of the classic SNES/Amiga title The Lost Vikings, but a homebrew effort from 2016 that had an initially promising start – but then just disappeared with no more updates. The preview you … Continue reading →
Not playable this one i’m afraid.. "The Old World" is simply one to look at… with a series of screenshots which show different time periods and items to do with that time period. It’s not very clear how the game … Continue reading →
The Pinz is a cool Othello game with some neat graphics and music, being produced by Lost Generation back in 1995 time. Overall the game was looking very promising indeed, and was likely to be part of a last wave … Continue reading →
1999-2000 Pukka Games Platform: PC The Ravaging was a third person PC action adventure game that was being developed by Pukka Games between 1999-2000, where you controlled an angel from hell. According to “10ahu” from an old thread (who … Continue reading →
A nice new entry into GTW, and a really nice little game too. Slightly reminisant of the likes of Jon Well’s ‘Shaolin’ title. It’s a single screen platformer, where the main character has to dispose of a variety of enemies … Continue reading →
After the many years of enjoyment with Lords of Midnight and Dungeon Master, Thalamus revealed their latest masterpiece The Search for Sharla. The game was to feature a staggering 32,000 views from each direction, sleep option and 512 totally interactive … Continue reading →
A quick entry for a title which recently surfaced thanks to Magnar Harestad who dug out his own game preview and put on CSDB. This is a good little Dungeon Master style maze game which is in its early days. … Continue reading →
The Sixth Sense doesn’t seem to be anything to do with the film that appeared a few years later, but is a neat looking Dungeon Master style game from 1993 with a cool blue effect throughout. You can currently wander … Continue reading →
The Soul Gem of Martek was yet another mysterious title that went astray since some initial mentions in various magazines and adverts. This was a title that was to be released back in 1985 by Anirog, and was to be … Continue reading →
Thanks to Csaba Virag, we present yet another lost and unfinished game, this time with the very interesting title of The Spirit, which seems was due for release by Novo Soft in 1990. We don’t believe that the game is … Continue reading →
Our next entry is a simple puzzler, where you must replicate the pattern on the right side of the screen before your opponent does. Nothing much to it, but can be some simple fun if you have someone to play … Continue reading →
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