Our next entry into the archive come thanks to Gareth Pitchford, who flagged up this currently missing homebrew text adventure game by Derek Doran. The game was advertised in Commodore User magazine back in 1986, but although their game Prime … Continue reading →
Corporate Raider was announced as a title coming soon for the Commodore 64 back in 1988 in Power Play magazine. Mobygames describes the game as follows, based from its eventual DOS release: “The object of the game is to make … Continue reading →
A short entry for a Commodore MAX title that was proposed, but never finished and released. Cosmax would have you destroying extra terrestrials as you scroll across the screen in a mountainous terrain. E.T’s attack two from the front and … Continue reading →
Cosmic Shock Absorber was a game that was heavily advertised in all the major magazines of the time (Thanks to LeeT for the supplied scan!), and for years C64 users waited for it to arrive, but it never did. However, … Continue reading →
From what began as a simple Vic 20 game called Cosmonaut (A scrolling shooter), a sequel was born from the Ramshaw brothers who did a lot of work in the early days for the likes of Melbourne House. Cosmonaut on … Continue reading →
Now next is a Jet Set Willy clone of sorts with Costa Capers. Infact, it is a quiet sequel to Technician Ted which was released strangely by Hewson. The first game never saw the light of day on the C64 … Continue reading →
Our next game sounds rather familiar to a popular puzzler that we all love…. Check out the advert blurb… "A game of strategy. Choose your colour, choose your rules. Blocks are coming down and across… But there is a twist … Continue reading →
A short entry for a title that may or may not have ever been released. This was an educational title that was to be released by Commodore on cartridge, and supporting the Magic Voice module. Was this a real title? … Continue reading →
A game which was in development by the same developers who did Mortal Dogfight and Chaos Lands, Coma Software. It’s very early days yet for this title, with little information being known about the actual game. The only thing we … Continue reading →
A short entry for a title which we somehow missed over the years, but was flagged up to us by Ross Sillifant. This was an arcade style game which was due on the Spectrum/C64 and ST in June 1988, being … Continue reading →
A slightly different and combined entry for a number of titles now, which was thanks to a suggestion by contributor Ken Knight. Ken submitted two SEUCK titles which appeared to be magazine rejects – crediting Zzap and Commodore Force, but … Continue reading →
Covert Action was a new Sid Meier game from back in the early days and following the success of Microprose’s earlier Pirates game. The game was announced as a title coming soon for the Commodore 64 back in 1988 in … Continue reading →
Cow Pat Frisbee V1 is another creation from Richard Bayliss and another game not to be completed or released. However this game did eventually get a release which was much different from this earlier version that Richard had planned. Richard … Continue reading →
A first version of Crackdown was indeed in production, with code being done by Mark Kelly before he later went on to working on Golden Axe. We are not sure quite what happened here, but we know that Bob Stephenson … Continue reading →
Back in 1996, an enthusiastic Wayne Wormersley got working with Jon Wells on a title called Crash Course. The game was to be a sort of update to the classic Spectrum/Ultimate title ‘Trans Am’, or at least based on the … Continue reading →
Yet another Titus title which was mentioned in a schedule list from 1990 for the C64 on Tape and Disk (And later cart!). We know very little about the game though sadly – as there is no sign of any … Continue reading →
A quick post thanks to team member Grzegorz Antosiewicz, who has found a set of early Crazy Cars 3 screenshots in Generation 4 magazine from June 1991, which show a very different looking game overall to the one that was … Continue reading →
1996 Bullfrog Productions Platforms: Amiga CD 32, PC, Sony PlayStation and SEGA Saturn As part of the launch and release of The Games That Weren’t book, we are adding assets and content that didn’t make it to print as bonus DLC content … Continue reading →
1991 Thalamus Platform: ZX Spectrum Following on from our recent post about a long lost conversion of Creatures 2 for the Amiga, we now take a look at a planned ZX Spectrum conversion – and one which seemed to get … Continue reading →
1992 Thalamus Platforms: Atari ST and Commodore Amiga Creatures 1 and 2 were two fantastically cute, but violent titles from Apex Computer Productions, and published by Thalamus during the early 1990s. So popular, it was decided to convert Creatures to … Continue reading →
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