
“Plan your strategy to save the good wizard from the evil Djinn. This supernatural spirit has materialized as a fire demon and has carried the good wizard off to his lair. You must fetch the wizard and transport him home. … Continue reading
Preserving Cancelled & Unreleased Video Game History Since 1999
Total results: 1864
“Plan your strategy to save the good wizard from the evil Djinn. This supernatural spirit has materialized as a fire demon and has carried the good wizard off to his lair. You must fetch the wizard and transport him home. … Continue reading
1986 Micro Power Platform: ZX Spectrum 48k For years I’d thought the Commodore 64 version was never released, when accidently included in an unreleased games feature in Commodore Force magazine. Imagine my surprise in later years when I found an … Continue reading
Straight from the success of Last Ninja and just after the release of R-Type in the arcades, Mark Cale decided that he wanted to really see a R-Type C64 clone with graphics by Hugh Riley. The result was to eventually … Continue reading
1994 Mindcraft Platform: PC DOS A short entry for a title called Dominion, due for release by Mindcraft and highlighted by Andreas Wirooks and spotted in various upcoming text files in Mindcraft’s other games. A description for the game was … Continue reading
The source of this next entry is interesting as it was mentioned in "Illegal" pirate fanzine as something seen at PC 1988 show (or so it seems) by SSD of Cosmos. Dondra was actually released on other machines like the … Continue reading
Back in the 1980’s, Atarisoft were doing official conversions for the Commodore 64. Donkey Kong Jr was oddly one of them! We learn of this conversion thanks to Mat Allen who has documented the conversion briefly in Digital Press. We … Continue reading
1983 Atarisoft Platform: Commodore Vic 20 A short entry which we will try and flesh out soon. Donkey Kong Jr. was listed as being due for release for the Commodore Vic 20 over at – though was cancelled either … Continue reading
A new GTW entry as suggested by Dumbflag… Doomsday Blues is described as follows (thanks to "Known as Eden Blues to French readers, this is another adventure action game from ERE. You’re a prisoner who tries to escape from … Continue reading
Yet another aborted Double Dragon conversion for the C64, and this time this was for the Ocean Software development of the game from the early 1990s. Although it could just be a different variation of the current and limited cartridge … Continue reading
You may or may not be surprised to learn that Double Dragon on the C64 could have been very different – or at least a lot better than it was! We don’t know that for sure though – but we … Continue reading
Advertised in many magazines, this was a title being sold by Anik Microsystems… however only two Anik games exist and seem to have been released on the C64. The advert describes the game as follows: "Did you know that the … Continue reading
A very short entry for a title which was advertised early on the C64’s life by an obscure postal based company called Custom Software. In the advert, the game was described as follows: “Dr Bongo’s plan is to destroy the … Continue reading
Dr Who has in recent years had a resurgence in popularity with the new BBC episodes showing every year. Back in the 80’s, there was a demand to see Dr Who games – but not that many were actually ever … Continue reading
Another missing title, flagged up to us thanks to JazzGhostrider and mentioned as coming soon to the Commodore 64 in ACE magazine. The game was a graphic text adventure game produced by The Essential Myth, who had also produced Book … Continue reading
1988 Firebird and then Electronic Arts Platform: Atari ST (and likely Commodore Amiga) An impressive looking title which featured a massive dragon main character, which took up most of the screen. This was to be a second title signed up … Continue reading
I remember Dragon’s Kingdom very well – sadly for the wrong reasons though, but it was in Commodore Format (Around issue 11/12) where the game got quite a panning by the reviewers for being a poor Ghost n Goblins clone. … Continue reading
Not to be confused with the Software Projects game that was released in 1986, this was a new game based on the famous Laser Disc title and being developed by Readysoft back in 1989. Randal Linden revealed to Andrew Fisher … Continue reading
Well, there was rumours of Space Ace being converted to the C64 by Empire, which were confirmed… but we can also reveal that a deal was being hammered out with Sullivan Bluth to bring Dragons Lair 2: Timewarp to the … Continue reading
Dragonfly Attack is a title which was submitted to us many moons ago, but we never got round to adding due to various things going on at university at the time, and it got a release anyway. It is an … Continue reading
Dragonstone may likely be a title you’ve never heard of or played – mainly due to how it was mail-order only text adventure title (likely written in Graphic Adventure Creator, not Quill as I originally suggested). Thanks to Marco (Exile) … Continue reading
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