Miami Vice
I have to admit, I was surprised to see that a Miami Vice game actually went unreleased when Frank sent me the details of this one. Surely a game based on such a huge TV show could find its way … Continue reading
Preserving Cancelled & Unreleased Video Game History Since 1999
Total results: 1864
I have to admit, I was surprised to see that a Miami Vice game actually went unreleased when Frank sent me the details of this one. Surely a game based on such a huge TV show could find its way … Continue reading
Another combined entry for a series of titles from Micro Application, which may or may not have been released. At present the following titles are missing: Poker 64 Siren City – 100% French version of the Interceptor Software Game Skier-64 … Continue reading
When the C64 was dying out commercially, Jon Wells was trying to flood the C64 with new releases. One of his ideas was to take the entire back catalogue of Clive Wilson adventure titles and update them with new graphics, … Continue reading
Thanks for Barry Hart, we can confirm that all the Micro Math games were released and can be found under Hayden Software at Gamebase64: Case closed!
An interesting entry which was mentioned in Home Computer Weekly 1983 – By Anik Microsystems, a Northhampton based company. This was advertised as follows: "ea. cont 10 action games: Selection of standards (p-man etc) plus new amazing games." This was … Continue reading
Another combined entry for a series of titles, this time from Micro-Ed, Inc, which may or may not have been released. These have been highlighted to us thanks to Bertrand / Atari Frog. These were Commodore 64 titles listed in … Continue reading
Another combined entry for a series of titles, this time from Micrograms, Inc, which may or may not have been released. These have been highlighted to us thanks to Bertrand / Atari Frog. These were Commodore 64 titles listed in … Continue reading
Thanks to Martin/Stadium64 for the heads up – but on the back of MicroLeague Football’s manual, there were two more titles listed as being planned for release in 1991. MicroLeague Basketball and MicroLeague Baseball – The Coach’s Challenge Neither game … Continue reading
Another combined entry for a series of titles, this time from Microphys Programs, Inc., which may or may not have been released. These have been highlighted to us thanks to Bertrand / Atari Frog. These were Commodore 64 titles listed … Continue reading
Thanks to contributor Chris Hester, who flagged up an old piece that he wrote possibly for his magazine Adventure Coder. Midwinter was a graphic text adventure due for release from Channel 8 in September 1984. Although due for release on … Continue reading
1994 Ocean Software Platform: Amiga 1200 (and possibly CD32) Mighty Max was based on the popular toys and subsequent cartoon of the time (huge in the US!), and was initially developed on the Amiga 1200 as the primary platform, with … Continue reading
Don’t laugh, but there was infact going to be a licenced game based on the Milk Tray adverts! It’s true, and none other than C64 Audio legend, Chris Abbott, was to be behind this game, musically at least! At the … Continue reading
A short entry for now on what was likely to have been a C64/C128 release back in the day by Infocom. This was to be a sequel to The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, and was in development and design … Continue reading
Yet another Demonware game which appeared in the Early Warning scanner pages of Commodore Format. With a rather interesting title, it sounded like something quite special. Nothing was really known about the game, but Games X magazine did a sneak … Continue reading
A quick entry to cover part of a series of games which DK’Tronics were looking to release in late 1984, early 1985. A news item in the December 1984 edition of Personal Computer Games suggested that following on from a … Continue reading
Yet another Edge title. The game was advertised in magazines such as CVG in 1986, and was brought to GTW’s attention thanks to Lee Theasby who kindly provided the advert scan. The game was an adventure RPG which was in … Continue reading
It was thought for many years that “Miner Willy Meets The Taxman” and “Megatree” were the same game, and that the first title was the working title for “Megatree”. Well, after attending a Q/A session with Matthew Smith at a … Continue reading
Back in the 1980’s, Atarisoft were doing official conversions for the Commodore 64. Missile Command was one of them! We learn of this conversion thanks to Mat Allen who has documented the conversion briefly in Digital Press. We hope to … Continue reading
1983 Atarisoft Platform: Commodore Vic 20 A short entry which we will try and flesh out soon. Missile Command was listed as being due for release for the Commodore Vic 20 over at – though was cancelled either due … Continue reading
1984-1995 Ashley Greenup/Dee-Kay Systems Platforms: BBC Micro, C64, ZX Spectrum and Amiga It is thanks to Ivan S that it has come to light that a series of Train games created by Ashley Greenup/Dee-Kay Systems are currently missing and not … Continue reading
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