1993 Grandslam Platforms: Commodore Amiga and PC Realms of Darkness was billed as a role-playing game for people who hated role-playing games. As well as an isometric Populous-style viewpoint for its RPG features, there would also be a side view … Continue reading →
Jullian Gollup’s classic budget tactical combat was very well recieved. The budget game was an improved re-release of Rebelstar Raiders and pleased pretty much everyone at the time. It was pretty much Spectrum/Amstrad only and C64 users sadly didn’t get … Continue reading →
Our next entry, Rebel Star 2 is a bit of an odd one as the first game never even got released on the C64 either. But sure enough the sequel was advertised by Silverbird in Zzap issue 44. After contacting … Continue reading →
It is believed that Records File is a data analysis program for Football Director. The Spectrum version can be found at http://www.worldofspectrum.org/infoseekid.cgi?id=0015592 This may mean it is not a game as such that we are looking for, but an extension … Continue reading →
Another lost Antony Crowther game, and mentioned in an interview many moons ago. This was to be an official game linked with the Red Arrows RAF display team. Antony at the time said the following: “They’ve asked us to write … Continue reading →
Red Scorpion was a rather poor Spectrum (http://www.worldofspectrum.org/infoseekid.cgi?id=0004076) and Amstrad 3D game that got fairly slated in the press. It was published by Quicksilva and is basically a souped up Battlezone clone, but lacking the soup. The game adverts mentioned … Continue reading →
1996 Starbyte Platform: Amiga Thanks to Dasse Evertsson for the heads up, but at the end of the fantastic Amiga game Traps ‘n Treasures, there is a little hint of a sequel with “Redbeard’s Revenge”. Due for release it seems … Continue reading →
Renegade was was an attempt to push the Robotron style of multi-directional shoot-’em-up into more advanced territory, and on the C64 in particular! The game was to borrow heavily from the movie Aliens. It featured interconnected rooms filled with eggs, … Continue reading →
Thanks to Mark R Jones for highlighting this early development of Renegade on the Ocean Software Facebook page. Of course, Renegade did see release on the C64, but according to a preview write up in Commodore User, there was only … Continue reading →
If you look at the games released for the Commodore 64, you’ll notice that we got a conversion of the BBC Micro classic, Repton… or actually, Repton 3 to be precise. You see, the first two games never actually got … Continue reading →
Not a conversion of the Sega Master System light gun game of the same name, but another title by Jon Wells which was to be released by Visualize – but didn’t quite make it. I almost forgot about this one … Continue reading →
1988 Nexus Platform: ZX Spectrum Fairlight is a title which brings back extremely fond memories for me on the Commodore 64, which was a brilliant isometric game created originally on the ZX Spectrum by the genius Bo Jangeborg. I always … Continue reading →
Another combined entry for a series of titles, this time from Resource Software International, which may or may not have been released. These have been highlighted to us thanks to Bertrand / Atari Frog. These were Commodore 64 titles listed … Continue reading →
Yet another Thalamus title goes into the archives after a feature in Zzap Italia on the company. Here it was mentioned that Restrictor was coming to the C64 – with the following (translated thanks to Luca Bertoldi): “Arc decided to … Continue reading →
1992 Thalamus Platforms: Commodore Amiga and Atari ST Restrictor was being developed by Arc Developments during the early 1990s for the Commodore Amiga (and also reportedly the C64). It was to be an original title from Arc, developed for Thalamus … Continue reading →
1991 Core Design Platforms: Commodore Amiga and Atari ST Following on from the recent post on Cyber Fight, comes yet another 3D futuristic sports title in the shape of Retro. A title being developed for Core Design by Steve Northcott … Continue reading →
It seems that the sequel to Design Design’s classic The Hall of the Things was intended for release on the Commodore 64 too! Thanks to contributor Einar, we learn that Design Design had an advert which listed the C64 edition … Continue reading →
1992 Gremlin Platforms: Commodore Amiga, Nintendo Game Boy (+ potentially others) Tucked away in a news page in Commodore User magazine was a snippet that talks about Gremlin being set to update an old 8-bit classic – The Way Of … Continue reading →
1991 Rainbow Arts Platform: Amiga Just a short entry for now, with thanks to Karl Kuras for the heads up. Many years after the original 8-bit titles, it was announced in The One magazine (issue 29) that after its recent … Continue reading →
A slightly different GTW this time, with us looking for a magazine listing from BigK magazine. The BigK magazine only ran for 12 issues and from issue 8 to issue 12, for the listings they had in their magazine, they … Continue reading →
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